UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UAV is UN clew onboard with fly itself vehicle.
Our Fox Corporation have original UAV test bed , Name is PZL 104 Wilga ,
this air plane is absolutely good for UAV vehicle.
High wing configuration with rigid slat work extremely stable .
Our Fox corporation see possibility of how could UAV to work.
for example ,
Photo mission or VTR mission at correct point , Research intelligence at danger field ,
Cargo mission at danger field , Air surveillance at danger field .

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This device is UAV unit for own navigation for our PZL104Wilga
this device get GPS information from antenna and control vehicle
heading and altitude .
It can connect to famous RC device , How it connect .
It's connect between receiver and servo, that's only , it could fly
UAV !!
Where do you want to go ??.

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Yellow device mount top of fuselage , this is GPS antenna .
inside of fuse can be seen yellow UAV device .
this unit can control air speed by pressure sensor .

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GPS antenna mounted top of fuse , get Navstar satellite signal from space .
Wilga have pilot tube for speed control .
This air plane is E-power !!
Use brushless outer rotor and 2000mA Lipo.
This Wilga and 2000mA Lipo is sale from our Fox corporation.
Wilga can sale world wide available .

Status LED can see Right side of fuse .
It's show device status ,ax get GPS signal or lost signal and more information can be tell us .
We try to use Copilot , but UAV unit have level stabilizer ,
We need more test for get good result .

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Kobe Univ research UAV for student ,
our Fox corporation help them .They try to fly UAV helicopter .
But it not use GPS unit yet.
Fox corporation is maintenance there Helicopter also.

They have own program for self fly helicopter

This Copier have Gyroscope .
It connect to Lap top by cable .
Copilot does not help at inside of facility .

This photo is My note PC

UAV device accept late & long data from this editor.

Program SW mounted right side of fuse.
It can change fright mode and data edit mode.
when I want change waypoint on UAV unit, It can easy to change by WP editor.
Memorized data is none volatile memory , no need rewrite if you want fly same point .

Connect PC with UAV Wilga .
Unit and Editor have same WP data now.

Here is waypoint data for this time test fly .
where do you think ? this WP is near my home .
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